htop 是 top 命令的一个变种,它提供了更多的交互性、定制性以及其他一些功能,但是它同时使用了相比 top 更多的资源(4 倍多的 syscalls)
top 命令常用选项
Threads Mode,线程模式。默认情况 top 展示进程的简要信息,使用此选项显示进程中的线程状态。 对应交互式命令 H
top 常用交互命令
CPU Utilization 排序,默认排序方式
Memory Utilization 排序
Irix/Solaris-Mode 切换。 默认为 Itrix Mode,在这种模式下,如果某个进程使用了系统中的 2 个 CPU 的所有计算资源,则其 CPU 使用率展示为 200%,依此类推。 在 Solaris Mode 下,进程的 CPU 使用率是整体 CPU 使用的资源除于 CPU 数。如在 4 CPU 的系统中,Itrix 模式下,进程 CPU 使用率为 200%,在 Solaris 模式下,则为 50%
IOPS Input/Output Operations Per Second. 用于衡量数据传输操作(Rate of Data transfer operations)的频率。对于硬盘 I/O (Disk I/O)来说,指 每秒发生的读写请求 。
Throughput 吞吐量 。在网络通信中,主要指 数据传输速率(Data Rate, bytes/bits per second) 。在其他上下文(Contexts,如 Databases),Throughput 通常指 Operation Rate(Operations Per Second or Transactions Per Second)
UEFI 包含了一个平台相关(platform-related)的 数据表(data table) ,以及 可以被 OS Loader 调用的 Boot and Runtime Service Calls 。这些信息定义了为支持 UEFI ,固件(Firmwares)或者计算机硬件(Hardwares)应该实现的接口和数据结构(Interfaces and Structures)。
PAM 中的 Control Flags 用于决定返回什么样的状态。下表列出了 PAM 配置中的相关的 Control Flags 及其响应
Control Flag
Response Handle
If failed, returns a failure status to the application, after the rest of the contexts have been run in the stack. For example, a requisite control might cause a login to fail if someone types in an invalid user. But the user might not be told of the failure until after entering a password, hiding the fact that it was the bad username that caused the failure
If failed, returns a failure status to the application immediately without running the rest of the stack 。 (Be careful where you place this control in the stack.) For example, a requisite control might require key-based authentication and fail immediately when a valid key is not provided . In that case, it could fail before even prompting for a username/password.
- If failed, the module status is ignored. - If successful, then a success status is immediately returned to the application without running the rest of the stack. (Be careful where you place this control in the stack.)
This control flag is important only for the final overall return status of success or failure . Think of it as a tiebreaker. When the other modules in the configuration file stack return statuses that are neither clear-cut failure nor success statuses, this optional module’s status is used to determine the final status or break the tie. In cases where the other modules in the stack are returning a clear-cut path of failure or success, this status is ignored.
Get all the return statuses from this particular PAM configuration file’s stack to include in this stack’s overall return status. It’s as if the entire stack from the named configuration file is now in this configuration file
Similar to the include control flag, except for how certain errors and evaluations affect the main stack. This forces the included configuration file stack to act as a substack to the main stack. Thus, certain errors and evaluations affect only the substack and not the main stack.
Encryption : 将 Plain Text 转换为 Ciphertext 的过程,通常使用一种加密算法(Encrypt Algorithm)
Decryption : 解密,将 Ciphertext 转换为 Plain Text 的过程,通常使用和加密算法(Encrypt Algorithm)相对应的解密算法(Decrypt Algorithms)
Cipher : 加密和解密过程中算法使用的密码。
Block Cipher : 在对数据进行加密之前,需要首先将其分割成块(Block)
Stream Cipher : 加密过程中无需将其分割成块(Block)
Key : 通常值密钥对(公钥/私钥)
AES Advanced Encryption Standard, also called Rijndael
- Symmetric Cryptography - Block Cipher 。encrypting data in 128-, 192-, 256-, 512- bit, blocks using a 128-, 192-, 256, or 512-bit key
- Symmetric Cryptography - Block Cipher 。encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same 32-bit to 448-bit keys for encrypting/decrypting.
- Symmetric Cryptography - Block Cipher 。 encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same up to 128-bit key for encrypting/decrypting.
DES Data Encryption Standard
已经被认为是不安全的 - Symmetric Cryptography - Block Cipher 。encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same 56-bit key for encrypting/decrypting.
增强的 DES 加密算法 - Symmetric Cryptography Data is encrypted up to 48 times with three different 56-bit keys before the encryption process is completed.
- Symmetric Cryptography - Block Cipher 。 encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same 128-bit key for encrypting/decrypting
- Symmetric Cryptography - Block Cipher 。 encrypting data in 32-, 64-``, or 128- bit blocks ,using the same up to 2,048-bit keys for encrypting/decrypting
- Symmetric Cryptography Same as RC5, but slightly faster
EI Gamal
- Asymmetric Cryptography Uses two keys derived from a logarithm algorithm
Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
- Asymmetric Cryptography Uses two keys derived from an algorithm containing two randomly chosen points on an elliptic curve.
RC4 also called ArcFour or ARC4
- Stream Cipher encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using a variable key size for encrypting/decrypting.